
The Vampires Among Us

The longer I live, the more I become convinced that insurance companies are evil, predatory entities. Insurance companies do not work and play well with others.

I remember a childhood game called "monkey in the middle." The kid who was the monkey stood between two other kids. The other two kids would throw a ball back and forth to each other, trying to wing it over the head of the "monkey" in the middle kid. When the monkey in the middle caught the ball, the thrower and the monkey switched places, the ball thrower then became the monkey in the middle, until he/she intercepted the ball.

Ain't it like that with insurance companies? The monkey in the middle (policy holder) pays premiums to the insurance companies. The insurance companies throw the policy holder's money to its counterparts--doctors, shareholders, drug companies, money pits, lawsuits, whatever. The insured monkey tries to catch a break; access quality health care, pay for storm damage-- stuff that the insurance policy supposedly would provide to the insured when it's needed--but the insurance company reps keep throwing the ball higher, (raising premiums, co-pays, imposing limitations) over the monkeys' heads (that's us). The result is the silly monkeys pay and pay and almost never catch the ball.

My personal horror story:

When I quit Target in 2006, I "ported" my group term life insurance. Most people who buy life insurance do so because they don't want to leave their loved ones--or the state-- stuck with their burial/funeral expenses. In 2006, the Minnesota Life Insurance rep I spoke to at the time advised me to "port" it rather than "convert" it because it was cheaper. I still have the notes I took during that conversation. The rep's name was Joseph.

In less than three years my premiums have quadrupled. From $25.94 quarterly to $91.46. I'm a non smoker, non drinker. I go to a gym.

The money these vampires have drained from me over the years is blood money. It will be payable only upon my death. Because I will be dead, there will be no way for me to ensure this blood sucking company pays my people in reality what it "promises"on paper.

Insurance companies--like big automakers-- seem to be amazingly deft at wiggling out of contracts and agreements. They are good at whining and complaining their costs are too high, their claims are too many. When the going gets tough, the insurance companies either extort more money out of the policy holders or they take their toys (our money) and leave the state.

It's time to place some new rules on this game.

Recruit some predator hunters.

Pound some stakes through these hearts of darkness.

Don't worry; they won't feel a thing.

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